By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel
In recent months, Michiganders have heard a lot of political noise about a so-called budget standoff and a looming government shutdown. These claims are nothing more than partisan fearmongering designed to create unnecessary panic. The reality is simple: responsible leaders ensure the government continues to function, and that’s exactly what my colleagues and I are doing.
Countering misinformation that has spread like wildfire on social media, here’s the reality:
• No shutdown, no crisis. We passed legislation ensuring core state functions remain funded as an insurance measure while Republicans and Democrats continue working on a full, responsible budget.
• More funding for students. Our plan increased per-pupil funding to $10,025—even more than the governor requested. The K-12 alliance appreciated the increased funding and is taking the House at our word about what this legislation is.
• A proven track record. There’s no reason to believe we won’t pass a balanced budget before the constitutional deadline—just like we did for the last four years under divided government.
My focus remains on ensuring our government is working efficiently and effectively for the people of Michigan, and I can assure residents that the budget process is far from over. I would encourage individuals to avoid partisan talking points, continue advocating for projects and programs they feel the state should invest in, and observe as our normal budget process plays out over the coming months.

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