Legislation from state Rep. Brian BeGole advanced today by a House committee will provide local police departments with needed flexibility and keep communities and neighborhoods safer by applying specific generated revenue more practically.
Vehicles that have been damaged beyond repair and deemed to be a total loss by an insurance company go through a process that provides them with scrap or salvage titles. Prior to giving repaired salvage vehicles a new full title, local police agencies inspect them to make sure they are safe and road-worthy and charge a fee of $100 or less for that work.
Instead of having to put this revenue toward recovering stolen vehicles and other rigid requirements under current law, House Bill 4716 requires revenue from salvage vehicle inspection fees be used for public safety initiatives. This includes police equipment, training and road patrol services.
“This reform prioritizes protecting the public by maximizing how we use existing revenue,” said BeGole, of Antrim Township. “This is money that is already there from when these inspections get done. But departments would like to have additional ways to use these dollars and bolster their ability to help keep people safe. This bill provides that flexibility in a practical way.”
HB 4716 is supported by the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police and the Michigan Sheriffs Association. The legislation, which was advanced unanimously by the House Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committee, now moves to the full House for consideration.

PHOTO INFORMATION: State Rep. Brian BeGole (left) provides testimony on House Bill 4716 before the House Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committee on Tuesday, Oct. 24. BeGole was joined by Genesee County Chief of Police Matt Bade.

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