Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Filler condemns attack on Israeli people
RELEASE|October 9, 2023
Contact: Graham Filler

State Rep. Graham Filler today issued the following statement condemning the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel:

“I strongly condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. I find the acts of violence appalling and horrific. My heart is broken to see innocent families suffering. The fact that terrorists have sought to capture and harm civilians is simply unacceptable. It goes against everything we stand for as a society that values peace, human rights, and the dignity of all people.

“Israel is a great ally to America. We share a strong bond that goes beyond politics. It’s a relationship built on common values and shared goals. In Michigan, our Jewish friends and neighbors have made remarkable contributions. They’re an integral part of our community, and I value their presence.

“I stand with Israel and the Jewish people of Michigan, and I am committed to doing whatever I can to rally public support for them. We must promote peace and work toward a resolution that brings stability and security to the region.”


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