I invited Shane Hamilton, a Master Electrician for Local 58, to the annual State of the State address this week. Shane is my cousin, but deeper, like a brother, a brother-in-Christ for sure, my best friend aside from my wife, Gabby. As brothers are born for adversity, we debate, sharpen one another, and spur one another on.
Shane is the Foreman on a quickly rising skyscraper in Detroit, soon to compete only with The Renaissance Center for “tallest building in Michigan” status. I’m proud to see how, without complaint, Shane is consistently working harder (and earlier) than anyone I know to help create something that will forever change our Detroit skyline. I strive to model my work ethic after his in order to shift the skyline of our government to better reflect constitutional principles and restore power back to the hands of We, The People. Shane and I have had many discussions about Right to Work.
Although the governor didn’t discuss the Democrat priority to repeal our state’s current Right to Work law, I’m looking forward to having a thoughtful discussion on the issue. Unions have done great things for Michigan workers over the years, but it’s my personal belief that no one should be forced to join a union in order to get a job, and no private union should be forced by our government to give union benefits to a non-union member.
It was an honor to have Shane on the House floor with me as Gov. Whitmer gave her address.

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